A random update

So here’s a little of what’s been going on with the Watson’s:

  • Potty Training update: If you would have asked me about potty training yesterday, I would have said I still don’t think Elodie’s ready. She’s been doing alright at our babysitter’s, having 1 or two accidents a day. Our babysitter tells us that Elodie will always let her know when she needs to go, but she never really does that at home. We put her on the potty at home and she cries or hops right down, only going a few times a week. Today however, something has clicked in Elodie. She went right when she got up, ran to the potty a few hours later saying “poop,” and proceed to go poopy on the potty, and when we came home from running errands, she ran right to the potty and used it again. 3 times in one day & she told us every time. I’m so proud and honestly pretty shocked. If she keeps this up, she’ll definitely be wearing big girl underwear at her 2nd birthday party. Way to go, kiddo.


  • We’ve been enjoying the start fall through some football. While the weather still has highs in the 80s, the crisp, cool mornings give us something to look forward to. We went to the kickoff game at Chris’s school a few weeks ago and this past Friday night, we watched my school do awesome in some football! This upcoming week is another fall favorite: Homecoming! I should have some fun pictures from all the silly things we wear for homecoming week.  I also get to chaperone the homecoming dance on Saturday, which should be fun too. Oh, the joys of HS teachers 🙂

Chris, secretly representing his school on our way to a “blue out” at my school

School Pride heading to a football game

  • We’ve been hanging out at the park, like usual. Chris got the bright idea to sign us up for another 10k on Thanksgiving, the Gobble Jog. Needless to say, we’ve been back out running & training and letting Elodie enjoy the lovely weather, of course. We’re going to earn that turkey this year.

Roooarrring on the swing

Spinning at the park

  • We’ve been spending some quality time with friends. Watching football, celebrating birthdays, etc. My BFF Jessie and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary. We’ve been friends since 7th grade when we met back in 2000. Yes, we have an anniversary, Sept 21–3 days before her bday & 3 months before mine. We’re fun, we know 🙂

BFF & I celebrating a friend’s bday

We try and have a life other than work work work, but it’s difficult sometimes when our apartment is a wreck by the weekend and there’s 10 loads of laundry, lesson planning, and toddler entertaining to be done.

We are going to try and go to an air show next weekend and are really looking forward to October: pumpkin patches, apple picking, corn mazes, hay rides, & etc. It’s a great time of year!! Hope your busy schedules allow you to begin enjoying fall as well!

